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Home Rozmaitości Polish Legacy. Balkan Heritage. Polish contribution to culture, art and science of the Western Balkans

Polish Legacy. Balkan Heritage. Polish contribution to culture, art and science of the Western Balkans


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Nakładam Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu ukazał się album autorstwa Adama Balcera Rigelsa Haliliego o wpływach Polaków na kulturę, społeczeństwo i politykę Serbii, Bośni i Czarnogóry. Publikacja jest w języku angielskim. Poniżej znajduje się spis treści. 

Table of contents

Introduction 5

Poland and the Western Balkans until 1795 5

Hungarian connection  9

Slavia Orthodoxa 11

The Eagle and the Crescent 13

Translators and Muslim Jews 16

Poland and the Western Balkans between 1795 and 1918  17

Romantic nationalism, highlanders, medieval and folk culture  19

Yugoslav idea 22

Insurgents and teachers 23

Ottoman generals and Noble Prize winner 24

Doctors and engineers 25

Roman Catholic priests and intellectuals  27

Poland and the Western Balkans in the short 20th century 28

Interwar state institutions and ideologies  31

Ethnographers and geology  33

Town planners, painters and poets  34

Poland and the Western Balkans after 1989  37

Movie directors, novelists and musicians  38

Sources of the photographs 40


 Adam Balcer is the programme director at the College of Eastern Europe. He teaches at the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. He is a national researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He has published three books, as well as many reports and articles on Central Europe, the Balkans and the Black Sea region.

 Rigels Halili is a lecturer and head of Balkan Studies at the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. He has published one book and has co-editedfour more. His research concentrates on modern history and culture of the Balkans and he has written numerous articles on the topic.

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