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Home New Eastern Europe New Eastern Europe 6/2015: A Sea of Change

New Eastern Europe 6/2015: A Sea of Change

Original price was: 19.00zł.Current price is: 10.00zł.

The deeper meaning behind Europe’s newest migration waves


The migration and refugee crisis in Europe has hit international headlines starting in the summer of 2015. While the crisis represents the greatest movement of people in Europe since the end of the Second World War, it is by no means a simple story. And it is further complicated when considering the bigger picture of migration throughout the continent, not only coming from the Middle Eastern countries.


This issue of New Eastern Europe attempts to add a deeper dimension to the migration waves taking place in Europe. Our authors discuss the primary topic, which are the various reactions and perspectives towards the refugee situation including countries like Poland, Germany, Hungary and Croatia. But the issue digs even deeper and looks at other viewpoints such as the internally displaced people in Ukraine as a result of the unrest and instability in the east of the country or the fact the Russia is experiencing one of the largest waves of emigration in recent history. This wave is directly tied to the hopelessness felt in Russia among those in civil society and the middle class. The November-December issue also presents a relatively unknown side to the story: forced migrations taking place in Belarus, a country which has one of the worst track records for human trafficking.


Also in the issue:

An interview with renowned Turkish author Asli Erdogan

Edward Lucas and his reflections on the migrant crisis and what it means for Europe

Analysis of Russia’s intervention in the Syrian conflict and what could happen next

Reviews of the latest books and films from and about the region.




The migration and refugee crisis in Europe has hit international headlines starting in the summer of 2015. While the crisis represents the greatest movement of people in Europe since the end of the Second World War, it is by no means a simple story. And it is further complicated when considering the bigger picture of migration throughout the continent, not only coming from the Middle Eastern countries.


This issue of New Eastern Europe attempts to add a deeper dimension to the migration waves taking place in Europe. Our authors discuss the primary topic, which are the various reactions and perspectives towards the refugee situation including countries like Poland, Germany, Hungary and Croatia. But the issue digs even deeper and looks at other viewpoints such as the internally displaced people in Ukraine as a result of the unrest and instability in the east of the country or the fact the Russia is experiencing one of the largest waves of emigration in recent history. This wave is directly tied to the hopelessness felt in Russia among those in civil society and the middle class. The November-December issue also presents a relatively unknown side to the story: forced migrations taking place in Belarus, a country which has one of the worst track records for human trafficking.


Also in the issue:

An interview with renowned Turkish author Asli Erdogan

Edward Lucas and his reflections on the migrant crisis and what it means for Europe

Analysis of Russia’s intervention in the Syrian conflict and what could happen next

Reviews of the latest books and films from and about the region.

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