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Home New Eastern Europe Issue 1-2/2023: In the throes of crises

Issue 1-2/2023: In the throes of crises


The consequences of Russia’s invasion are visible not only in Ukraine. The Kremlin has set off or exploited a series of crises that face most European countries as well. We can see it when we shop for basic necessities, such as cooking oil, sugar, milk or eggs, and we can see it on our monthly utility bills, especially heating and electricity. Therefore, in this issue our authors set out to explore how the crises of the last year are connected, used as political tools, especially by Vladimir Putin, and what affect they may have on societies throughout Europe and beyond. Undoubtedly, whether we can overcome the effects brought by the economic, political, energy, and social crises depends largely on what happens in Ukraine. However, western societies cannot ignore the fact that they too have a role to play.



The consequences of Russia’s invasion are visible not only in Ukraine. The Kremlin has set off or exploited a series of crises that face most European countries as well. We can see it when we shop for basic necessities, such as cooking oil, sugar, milk or eggs, and we can see it on our monthly utility bills, especially heating and electricity. Therefore, in this issue our authors set out to explore how the crises of the last year are connected, used as political tools, especially by Vladimir Putin, and what affect they may have on societies throughout Europe and beyond. Undoubtedly, whether we can overcome the effects brought by the economic, political, energy, and social crises depends largely on what happens in Ukraine. However, western societies cannot ignore the fact that they too have a role to play.

Table of Contents

  1. In the throes of crises
  2. When crises become political tools Marcel H. Van Herpen
  3. Renewing the promise of European solidarity Basil Kerski
  4. Is Europe’s democracy in crisis? Filip Kostelka
  5. The EU economy may not be in the best shape, but Ukraine will not be abandoned Lesia Dubenko
  6. The easy times are behind us, but we are not giving up Iwona Reichardt
  7. Russian infrastructure attacks aim to create humanitarian crisis Maciej Zaniewicz
  8. Tackling the climate crisis in a time of war Isabelle de Pommereau
  9. A nuclear crisis or nuclear discourse? Kinga Anna Gajda
  10. Essays and Analysis
  11. North Macedonia in the crosshairs of Russian propaganda Jovan Gjorgovski
  12. War at the border, protests at home. Pressure mounts on Moldova William Fleeson
  13. How Hungary’s Russia connection undermines EU support for Ukraine Gabriela Greilinger
  14. Georgia’s strong economic performance comes at a heavy price Mackenzie Baldinger
  15. Puzzles of an extremely difficult level. The post-war recovery of Ukraine Maciej Makulski
  16. A Marshall Plan for Ukraine should prioritise harm done to humans, not buildings Maksym Popovych
  17. The ongoing process of de-Sovietisation in Eastern Europe Nino Chanadiri
  18. Interviews
  19. The outcome of the war is crucial not only for the future of Ukraine Interview with Arkady Rzegocki
  20. Lessons of cybersecurity from the war in Ukraine  
  21. To war or not to war? Russia’s cyber strategies in Ukraine 2014–22 Dominika Dziwisz and Błażej Sajduk
  22. Putin’s hidden war. How the Kremlin is bombing us on the internet Grigol Julukhidze
  23. Friend or foe? The role of social media during Russia’s war in Ukraine Agnieszka Grzechynka
  24. The threat of digital surveillance Adam Reichardt
  25. Moldova is being forced to adapt to hybrid warfare Marina Bzovîi
  26. Stories and ideas
  27. An independent Georgia or a Tiflis governorate? Wojciech Wojtasiewicz
  28. Back home to the warzone. Emotions of displacement among returning Ukrainian migrants Olena Yermakova
  29. Art, culture and society
  30. This play is a political and social reflection An interview with Ishbel Szatrawska
  31. History and memory
  32. Geopolitics, history and memory games. Jumping from the 20th to the 21st century Georges Mink
  33. How well-brought up girls became unbeatable warriors. The path from battle glory to modern feminism Andrzej Zaręba


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Publikacje oferowane w sklepie internetowym Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego są objęte gwarancją producenta.

W przypadku reklamacji należy kontaktować się z Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego. Podstawą wszczęcia procedury reklamacyjnej jest paragon lub faktura, którą Klient otrzymuje wraz z zamówionym towarem.

Klient ma prawo do odstąpienia od umowy bez podania przyczyn w ciągu 14 dni od złożenia zamówienia. Gwarantujemy zwrot pieniędzy! Zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 2 marca 2000 roku, jeśli towar nie był używany i pozbawiony fabrycznego opakowania, kopiowany lub w żaden inny sposób zniszczony lub wykorzystany można go zwrócić bez podania przyczyny w ciągu 14 dni od daty odebrania przesyłki. Nie ulegają zwrotowi książki pobrane w formie elektronicznej.

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Zwroty zareklamowanego towaru należy przesyłać na adres:
Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu

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