Serdecznie zachęcamy do przeczytania analiz ekspertów Ukraine World, w tym redaktorów New Eastern Europe, wypowiadających się na temat sytuacji w Białorusi i jej wpływu na region Europy Wschodniej na łamach UkraineWorld. Link do tekstu:
Treść wypowiedzi redaktorów New Eastern Europe
The famous ULB doctrine (Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus – Ed.) formulated by Jerzy Giedroyc — the editor in chief of the Polish émigré magazine Kultura — assumed that without a free and stable Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, there is no free Poland. Today this formula not only applies to Polish security and freedom, but to the stability and well-being of the entire region.
As a member of the European Union, Lithuania has completed this path. Since the Euromaidan revolution, despite some obstacles, Ukraine has also been heading in this direction. Recent weeks have shown that Belarusians want to follow suit. Therefore, their call for free and fair elections resonates in Lithuania, Ukraine and Poland. Should they succeed in their struggle, the remnants of the Soviet Union will finally have a chance to be fully uprooted from the region.
What the events in Belarus also remind us is that blatantly autocratic and populist regimes, even if effective and people-oriented at the beginning, eventually come to an end. This should be a stark reminder for those in this region who wish to depart from democratic values and European norms of governance.
Photo: Budynek siedziby Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu z flagą białoruską jako znakiem solidarności z protestującymi Białorusinami.