Protecting European Values

Protecting European Values – A proactive approach to strengthening and building European democracy by countering hostile threats aimed at EU values and bridging existing divides.


The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe has launched a new project in cooperation with the European Commission under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), which aims to provide a link between research and policy-making at the European level, which helps find solutions to problems as well as to facilitate interaction between scientists, academia and decision-makers.

Specific project objectives and fundamental indicators of the work covered by the project include the following:

  1. Identify external and internal threats and develop strategies to counter hostile interference to diminish EU values.
  2. To strengthen the European understanding of rights and values by promoting greater cohesiveness across the EU and bridging divides (geographic, social, economic, political, etc.), as well as via awareness raising and information dissemination on the regional and transnational level.
  3. To facilitate dialogues on critical issues (e.g. disinformation, gender inequality, climate change, etc.) facing European societies and, through research, propose solutions contributing to building a more democratic EU.
  4. To fight disinformation and strengthen the protection and promotion of Union values.

In this project, KEW will create and adopt a particular research agenda to address the external and internal threats to European democracy. This agenda will drive the project’s activities to develop recommendations and disseminate them to the various audiences identified in the project.

In addition, the issues raised in the publication of New Eastern Europe and its dissemination to a broader European audience will further advance the objectives of this project. These activities, as well as those focussed on increasing media resilience, will not only contribute actively to the implementation of EU policies but also complement them in such a way as to improve their effectiveness – through research and analysis and awareness raising; but also by implementing them on a practical level.

Specific activities under the framework of this project include:

The publication of New Eastern Europe

The creation of an expert working group to study threats to European Democracy

Creation of an affiliate programme for KEW Fellows

Original and ongoing research, analysis, and policy recommendations

Work with journalists and editors from across Europe to focus on improving media literacy and values promotion

Engage young researchers and journalists

The project is Co-Funded by the European Union under the operating grant titled “Protecting European Values. A proactive approach to strengthening and building European democracy by countering hostile threats aimed at diminishing EU values and bridging existing divides.” Funded under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) by the European Commission.

Any views and opinions expressed throughout the project are only those of the authors/experts. They do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”