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Home„Ost/Wschód”: seminaria polsko-niemieckieReport: A new opening? German-Polish cooperation and the war in Ukraine

Report: A new opening? German-Polish cooperation and the war in Ukraine

A new opening? German-Polish cooperation and the war in Ukraine – download report

The protracted full-scale aggression exhibited by Russia towards Ukraine, which has persisted for over two years, introduces security challenges for EU Member States, unlike any faced by the European community before. The effective support for Ukraine and the deterrence of Russian aggression rely significantly on the cooperation between Poland and Germany. The shift in Poland’s government after the parliamentary elections in October 2023 presents a distinct opportunity to revitalise relations between Berlin and Warsaw, which notably deteriorated after 2015.

In light of these challenges and opportunities, we present a report entitled A new opening? German-Polish cooperation and the war in Ukraine. constituting the result of the collective work of experts from both Germany and Poland. In the collected texts, the authors provide comprehensive analyses and recommendations for governments of both countries regarding the war in Ukraine, German Ostpolitik, Polish Eastern policy and the debated Euro-Atlantic integration of Kiev. The publication was produced as part of the fifth German-Polish Round Table organised by the College of Eastern Europe with the cooperation of German partner organisations Austausch and Zentrum Liberale Moderne.

Editor: Adam Balcer
Authors: Stephen Bischoff, Adam Kobieracki, Agnieszka Legucka, Kai-Olaf Lang, Maciej Matysiak, Susan Stewart.

The project is co-financed by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.


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