🌱When: April 19th-May 5th 2024
🌱Where: GOLM Youth Meeting Centre, Kamminke, Usedom Island, Germany
The project aims to provide practical tools and special knowledge in the field of conducting international youth meetings with historical and political topics.
🌱Who can apply?
We are inviting youth leaders from 18 y.o. Ukraine, Poland and Germany who already had international exchange experience and are interested in developing as project coordinators, trainers, facilitators for the international youth groups. Good level of English is a must.
🌱Modules of the training:
- the role of political and civic education in times of war;
- interactive learning of history;
- group dynamic and cultural diversity during the meeting;
- practical methods for moderation in non-formal education,
- language animation and flipchart workshop;
- sensitive communication to talk about war, practical examples;
- how to support and emphasize people who are facing war;
- trip to Swinouscie in Poland and to the Baltic sea;
- financial opportunities for trilateral youth exchanges, digital instruments for development and promotion.
🌱Costs: Accommodation, food and program are covered by the organizers.
Participation fee:
🥟Polish participants – 40 EUR
🥨German participants – 60 EUR
🌻Ukrainian participants – 15 EUR
Reimbursement of the travel costs:
🌻Ukraine: up to 800 PLN (from locations West of Kyiv) or 1.200 PLN (from Kyiv and locations East of Kyiv)
🥨Germany: up to 0,12 EUR/ km from home to project location (one direction only)
🥟Poland: up to 0,60 PLN/km from home to project location (one direction only). Participants travelling from Poland can count it here: https://pnwm.org/kalkulator-podrozy/.
🌱Coorganised by:
- Tolerance in You (TinU)
Instagram Facebook - College of Eastern Europe (KEW)
Instagram Facebook Twitter - Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge
Instagram Facebook Twitter🌱Financed by:
Polish German Youth Office (PNWM)