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Home New Eastern Europe New Eastern Europe 5/2020: Juggling a Pandemic

New Eastern Europe 5/2020: Juggling a Pandemic

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 20.00zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 18.00zł.



The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed limitations and weaknesses in nearly all countries around the world, with the region of Eastern Europe being no exception. The latest issue of New Eastern Europe brings to our readers some of the untold stories on how countries of our region are managing (or not) the consequences of the coronavirus. These consequences include: political, economic and social.

Table of Contents

Juggling a Pandemic. Managing (or not) COVID-19 and its consequences

The election that changed Belarus

Maxim Rust

Coronavirus pandemic seriously challenges Russian economy

Oleg Buklemishev

Russian digital authoritarianism at the time of COVID-19

Maria Domańska

The pandemic’s toll on Lviv

Katarzyna Łoza

Hardly a Georgian dream. Confronting COVID-19 in the midst of an election year

Mackenzie Baldinger

The cost of saving Europe’s asparagus harvest

Alexandra Wishart

Even before the pandemic, we have been living in isolation

Marina Shupac

Will China’s facemask diplomacy pay off?

Jakub Bornio

Picking strawberries in a pandemic

Magdalena Chodownik and Omar Marques

Opinion and Analysis

The art of constitutional seduction. The 2020 case of Russia

Oleksandr Marusiak

A triumphant referendum?

Olga Irisova

In Church we trust. The case of the Moldovan Orthodox Church

Anastasia Pociumban

Dirigisme 2.0. The way to go for the region?

Michael Richter and Jakub A. Bartoszewski

Beyond 2020. What’s next for the Eastern Partnership.

The Eastern Partnership. Between fundamentals and integration

Katarina Mathernova and Kataryna Wolczuk

Zelenskyy’s Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership

Hanna Bazhenova and Tomasz Stępniewski

Georgia and the EU need to stay focused on integration

Nugzar Kokhreidze

A reality check for Moldova-EU relations

Oktawian Milewski

Failed Expectations? Belarus and the Eastern Partnership

Veronica Laputska

EU-Armenia co-operation at a crossroads

Hasmik Grigoryan

Eastern Partnership and Azerbaijan. Balancing values and interests

Rashad Shirinov


Memory should be directed at the future.

An interview with Ihor Poshyvailo

Art, Culture and Society

How an absurd legal case turned into a fight for the future of Russian theatre

Alina Aleshchenko

Armenia’s track record on criminalising domestic violence

Valentina Gevorgyan

History and Memory

The challenge of commemoration. Cases from Poland and Germany

Kristina Smolijaninovaitė


Husband, father, war criminal. Chasing the memory of a Nazi fugitive across Europe

Maria Suchcitz

Save us all from the liberty, Emperor!

Grzegorz Szymborski

Addressing politics and stereotypes through theatre (during a pandemic)

Kamil Jarończyk and Nataliya Parshchyk

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