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Home New Eastern Europe Issue 3/2022: The Pain of War

Issue 3/2022: The Pain of War



The invasion by Russian forces of Ukraine from the north, south and east – with the initial aim to take the capital Kyiv – has changed our region, and indeed our world, forever. This issue of New Eastern Europe brings you some tales and reflections of the brave Ukrainians who have united to fight the invading aggressor.

These stories provide a distinct account – some of which are written in a diary format – of the first month of the war, the incredibly horrible period when Russian troops were brutally attacking villages on the road to Kyiv and elsewhere in the country. The disturbing images of the Russian inhumanity only emerged after the Ukrainians successfully defended the areas around the capital.

This issue also analyses the impact that the war has or will have on the region and beyond. Our authors examine the sanctions against Russia, the role of Belarus in the war, Poland’s new position as a frontline country as well as the future of Russia’s relations with the West. A significant development of the wartime has been not only the unity of the European Union and NATO but also the fact that all three countries known as the Associated Trio (Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia) have officially submitted applications to become members of the EU. These developments clearly demonstrate that the war has not only brought tragic results, but historical ones as well.

Lastly, the issue provides a look at the extraordinary level of human response to the war, including humanitarian activities and the welcoming of refugees. At New Eastern Europe we have been extremely involved in these actions as well, and have put a lot of focus on supporting our Ukrainian contributors and translators. Please consider donating to support them

Table of Contents:

The Pain of War

Time to look into the mirror Editors of New Eastern Europe
War diaries from Kyiv Andrey Kirillov
#UkraineUnderFire. A war diary Imke Hansen
Ukrainian refugees flee the war to Poland A photo-story by Omar Marques
New habits of wartime. A view from the rear Maria Protsiuk
Putin’s biggest mistake Zoriana Varenia
The news of the invasion was like a bomb A conversation with Pedro Caldeira Rodrigues
Waiting for Fortinbras A conversation with Oksana Zabuzhko, a Ukrainian writer and intellectual
Ukrainian territorial defence. How regular city dwellers will vanquish the fierce Russian bear A conversation with Roman and Iryna, officers of the territorial defence in Kyiv.
The soft power of Ukrainian women will defeat Mordor A conversation with Iryna, a territorial defence officer, and Natalya, a civil volunteer
Open Letter. An urgent call from Mariupol A Joint Call of European Mayors to European governments and the European Commission on raising efforts to end the war

Russia in its war against Ukraine 

Putin’s Fascism Tomasz Kamusella
The devastating long-term effects of sanctions against Russia Kiril Kossev
Why Russia has very little to offer Tatevik Hovhannisyan and Tiziano Marino
Russia’s targets: children, pregnant women, civil institutions and infrastructure Jan- Henrik Wiebe
Bearing witness. Despite repressions and state propaganda, the anti-war movement in Russia continues Anna Efimova
Learning “history” with Putin Allyson Edwards

The view from the region and beyond

Bulba in a pickle. Belarus and the war in Ukraine Kacper Wańczyk
Poland as a new frontline state Wojciech Michnik
The more things change… Britain, Russia and the war in Ukraine Niall Gray
Relations with Russia will never be the same again Mark Temnycky
Mission Impossible? EU membership for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova during wartime Denis Cenusa
Hardship on the horizon. Armenia amid sanctions against Russia Anna Vardanyan
Russia’s war in Ukraine. Perspectives from the South Caucasus Veronika Pfeilschifter, Bidzina Lebanidze And Irena Gonashvili

Context and reports

More volunteers than refugees. How Romanians mobilised for Ukrainians Marcel Gascón Barberá
Why Russians still regret the Soviet collapse James C. Pearce
Raphael Lemkin. The ambassador of our conscience Grzegorz Szymborski


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