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HomeNewsApply until 30th September

Apply until 30th September

Until 30th September, you can apply for the Erasmus+ project about media literacy.
… 18 to 30 years old
… studying to become a teacher, youth worker or work in media
… interested, even if you are not all of the above
… excited to be part of an international project with young people from Serbia, Germany, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Belgium and Poland.

As a participant in the DNA project:
– you will have an opportunity to attend at least three online workshops with other participants from 6 European countries
-you will attend a Learning Teaching Training (LTT) event in one of the partner countries, where you will have the opportunity to learn, develop your ideas and meet new people.
-you will contribute to developing educational materials for future teachers, youth and media workers in the form of publications, games, podcasts and videos
-after you come back from the LTT, we will help you organize a similar event in your hometown

To apply, please get in touch with Kamila Łabno-Hajduk (kamila@kew.org.pl)

Recruitment application form: https://cutt.ly/QCgvOdB


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