On November 27th the third edition of The Bohdan Osadchuk Polish-German-Ukrainian School will start in Wojnowice.
The School is designed for young leaders from Poland, Germany and Ukraine between 18 and 28 years of age and interested in Central and Eastern Europe. The School offers a 7-day series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops. The participants will focus on the broad topic of the future of Europe that will be approached from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The organizers would like to invite all interested in the school topic to participate in open lectures, meetings and debate:
November 30th 2016, 10:00-11:30, Wojnowice Castle
We forgive and as for forgiveness. Do we need a new opening in the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation?
Lecturer: Maksym Kyiak, PhD, Co-founder of the Global Ukraine Foundation
The lecture will be in English
November 30th, 20:00, Wojnowice Castle
Meeting with Alvydas Šlepikas, Lithuanian writer and the author of the book: My name is Marytė.
The meeting will be in English
December 1st 2016, 15:00-16:30
Public debate: With a view to the EU-Russia Relations
The debate will be organized in the European House in Wroclaw, ul. Widok 10. The debate will be in Polish
Adam Balcer, WiseEuropa
Arkadiusz Domagała, Institute of Political Science, University of Wroclaw
Justyna Prus, Polish Institute of International Affairs
Moderator: Zbigniew Rokita, Nowa Europa Wschodnia
December 2nd 2016
10:00-11:30, Wojnowice Castle
Oppenheim-Haus in Wroclaw
Lecturer: Lisa Höhenleitner
December 2nd 2016
19:00-20:30, Wojnowice Castle
At the crossroads. Between the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
Lecturer: prof. Adam Łukaszewicz, head of the archaeological mission in Egypt, University of Warsaw.
The lecture will be in Polish
The lecture is a part of Academia Europae Orientalis series, organized by The Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe. Click here to get more information (in Polish): open
In case of any question please contact the School coordinator Maciej Makulski, maciej.makulski@kew.org.pl
Organizers & Partners:
The project is co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the Polish-American Freedom Foundation Program „Study Tours to Poland” and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.
The Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław
German Culture Forum for Eastern Europe
New Eastern Europe
The project is co-financed by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the Polish-American Freedom Foundation Program „Study Tours to Poland” and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.